What is Project 7107?

The Philippines. Our Target Audience.
7,107 Islands populated by over 100 million people, that's what we call the Philippine Islands. There's been a lot of great missionary work done there over the years but in this predominantly Catholic country, there's been an influx of Islamic activity even on the southern island of Mindanao.
Starting Christian Radio Stations All Over.
We're not talking about 10,000 people or 20,000 people. We're talking about hundreds of thousands of people at a time adding up to millions of people simultaneously being able to hear the good news of the gospel the Lord Jesus Christ. These are individual radio stations coming under the umbrella of the Iloilo Baptist Church. Exciting opportunity to reach a whole bunch of people through a local church effort.

Pastor Rick Martin
My name is Rick Martin. I'm a missionary in the Philippines and about 4 and 1/2 years ago a radio station was started here name was given it to anchor in a city of about a half a million people. And it was a burden for some time before that that we could reach people here in the city with radio.
The men that God has led us to work with are men of--are pastors of local and independent Baptist churches. They're men that I've known most of them for many, many years. They're men that are very fruitful in their ministries, very aggressive in winning people to Christ. Most of them have Bible colleges and they are starting churches, planting churches. They're used to starting ministries. They don't get into ministries and then stop because of obstacles.

"Opportunities are great and now is the time, this is the place and these are the right people."
Please pray that we can get as many stations as possible on the air with good solid independent Baptist pastors and missionaries throughout the Philippines. This is a tremendous opportunity. We're extremely excited about it and I wanted to share it with you. Please uplift it in prayer and please consider participating in this